Agloanema Pinky (lady valentine) Common name Pinky, Agloan, Aggy Description A new variety that finally gives the industry a bit of colour. Most varieties of Agloan suffer from Mealy Bug but through selective breeding the newer varieties have a far greater capacity to remain Mealy Bug free. They add accent colour to multi planted mini gardens and also have great presence as a single stand-alone bench top or mass lineal plantings in Flox planters. Size Small Light requirement medium - high
Bench top Trough – Partition Mounted Trough Pot Dimension 750mm long – 190mm deep – 180mm wide Description When your office is tight on space but you still want to achieve a healthy environment and soften down the hard edge of a new office refit, partition mounted troughs are a good option. In mass they also help to minimise echoing and reduce sound transfer between areas which can be essential if staff are on the phone a great deal. Access for watering and servicing is the most crucial issue and can only be achieved if the units are positioned correctly. These planters also act well as bench top displays along window sills. Size Plants to 300mm tall. Light requirement Low - medium - high
Bromeliads:(Bromeliaceae Guzmania)
Common name: Brom
Description Bromeliads are members of a plant family known as Bromeliaceae with over 2700 described species in approximately 56 genera. The most well-known bromeliad is the pineapple. The family contains a wide range of plants including some very un-pineapple like members such as Spanish Moss (which is neither Spanish nor a moss). In general, they are inexpensive, easy to grow, require very little care, and reward the grower with brilliant, long lasting blooms and ornamental foliage. They come in a wide range of sizes from tiny miniatures to giants. They can be grown indoors in cooler climates and can also be used outdoors in temperate areas. With few exceptions, the flower stalk is produced from the centre of the rosette. With rare exceptions, bromeliads only flower a single time. Once the plant stops producing leaves and produces its flower, it will not start making leaves again. It will, however, vegetatively produce new plantlets called "offsets" or "pups". These plants will feed of the "mother" plant until they are large enough to set roots of their own and survive as a separate plant. The mother may sometimes survive a generation or two before finally dying off. Pups are usually produced near the base of the plant - inside the sheath of a leaf. Sometimes, however, pups may be produced on long stolons or at the top of the flower spike of the mother plant. The green, leafy top of a pineapple is in fact a pup that may be removed and planted to start a new plant.
These are a specialized option and only used as features on receptions desks and due to their cost are slightly more expensive to hire compared to the plants in the standard range.
Size Small
Light requirement medium - high
Deremensis (dracaena deremensis)
Common name Dero
Description A great addition to the Dracaena family as it gives great variation with its white and grey striation down the length of its foliage which can be used to great affect if it is placed alongside deeper green leaf options especially in flox planter troughs.
The version known as the Greenie has very dramatic lime green striations and is far more hearty that the usual variety.
Size Small, Medium, Large
Light requirement medium - high
Ficus Rubber (Ficus elastica)
Common name Rubber Tree
Description This is another form of ficus. It has large, glossy, oval shaped foliage. In the right light conditions, they grow rapidly and can bush out especially if pruned.
Caution must be taken with this plant as the sap can be an irritant, it produces a milky white latex separate from its sap which is carried and stored in different cells. This latex was formerly used to make rubber.
Size Medium, Large
Light requirement high - full sun
Happy Plant (dracaene fragrans 'massangeana')
Common name Chinese lucky plant or Chinese money tree
Description A very reliable and multi-faceted variety. As a standalone plant it has great presence with its variegated foliage, it is a real space saver as its growth habit is upright and tight, fantastic in partitioned work station areas where space is at a premium.
On Occasion they do produce sprays of fragrant flowers, these flower stems need to be removed because as the flowers begin to go over they produce copious amounts of sticky sap.
They are fairly disease resistant and like most Dracaenas like to be kept to the dryer side of watering.
Size Small, Medium, Large
Light requirement medium - high
Janet Craig (dracaena Fragrans)
Common name Janet Craig
Description A very reliable variety that has striking, large deep green strappy foliage. In multi planted situation it has the capacity to enhance the variegation of other plants and can tolerate the full spectrum of light conditions, from low to high. A large single specimen is also very striking. Light conditions will dictate the amount of water they require but in most instances Janet Craigs prefer to have slightly dry soil
Size Small, Medium, Large
Light requirement low - high
Extra Large Rectangular Mini Garden Pot Dimension / 320mm wide – 510mm long – 160mm deep
Description We usually multi plant with up to six small plants, ranging from taller varieties to the rear working down in size towards the front of the planter. We have a wide range of plant varieties available but the ones we use most are Sansaveria both short and Dwarf, three forms of Peparomia, Pothos, Rhoea, Janet Craig and Happy Plants. The varieties used can be dependent on the light levels.
Size Plants to 400mm tall.
Light requirement Low - medium - high
Medium Square Mini Garden Pot Dimension / 330mm square – 160mm deep
Description We usually multi plant with up to six small plants, ranging from taller varieties to the rear working down in size towards the front of the planter. We have a wide range of plant varieties available but the ones we use most are Sansaveria both short and Dwarf, three forms of Peparomia, Pothos, Rhoea, Janet Craig and Happy Plants. The varieties used can be dependent on the light levels.
Size Plants to 400mm tall.
Light requirement Low - medium - high
Parlour Palm (chamaedora elegans)
Common name Parlour Palm
Description An attractive petit palm with dense foliage and a compact growth habit.
This particular variety works well as a standalone bench top or as an option in a situation where alternate varieties are used either in a lineal planting or in a planter box.
Size Small
Light requirement medium - high
Pothos Totem (Epipremnum aureum)
Common name Pothos
Description Despite becoming vhard to source they are still a very popular option as they have a nice compact growth habit with striking heart shaped foliage that has some mottled colour variation to add a bit of impact.
This trailing version is great as a filler in mini gardens and also on tall cabinets where they can cascade down, they are also the most popular plant used in green walls.
Size Small
Light requirement medium high
Round Mini Garden Dimension 330mm round – 140mm deep
Description We usually multi plant with up to six small plants, ranging from taller varieties to the rear working down in size towards the front of the planter. We have a wide range of plant varieties available but the ones we use most are Sansaveria both short and Dwarf, three forms of Peparomia, Pothos, Rhoea, Janet Craig and Happy Plants. The varieties used can be dependent on the light levels.
Size Plants to 300mm tall.
Light requirement Low - medium - high
Sanseveria (Sanseveria dracaenaceae)
Common name mother in law's tongue, Snake Plant
Description A very hearty, long established variety that really lends itself to the current architectural trends in office design.
Mass planting as an architectural feature is this plants strongest point, not only because of its upright form but also the varying coloured striations on its foliage.
Size Small, Medium, Large
Light requirement medium - high
Small Square Mini Garden Pot Dimension 250mm square – 145mm deep
Description We usually multi plant with up to five small plants, ranging from taller varieties to the rear working down in size towards the front of the planter. We have a wide range of plant varieties available but the ones we use most are Sansaveria both short and Dwarf, three forms of Peparomia, Pothos, Rhoea, Janet Craig and Happy Plants. The varieties used can be dependent on the light levels.
Size Plants to 300mm tall.
Light requirement Low - medium - high
Walking Iris (Neomarica Iris)
Common name Walking Iris
Description A fantastic addition to our range, the Walking Iris has a spectacular fanned growth habit. Its strappy foliage cascades as it grows contrasting well with its rigid architectural form. Another fantastic bonus with this plant is that it produces multiple white Iris flowers with deep purple highlights on its frilled petals and on the throat of the flower. extremely attractive.
Size Small, Medium
Light requirement
medium - high
Xanadu (philodendron selloum)
Common name xanadu
Description With very unique shaped foliage reminiscent of a hand with figures this variety is best used as a stand-alone bench top, though it can also be used in troughs as a low feature
Size Small
Light requirement medium - high
Zanzibar Gem (zamioculcas zamiifolia)
Common name Zig Zag, ZZ
Description One of the most successful and hearty plants available. The Zig Zag can survive on very little water; it has large flesh bulbous roots that can hold moisture for considerable periods of time.
Its fleshy, high gloss foliage and thick stems give it a very lush appearance and enable this variety to stand alone as a feature despite only reaching about 700mm height. They are most affective in a large wedge shaped pot but work well in any situation or planter type.
Some sources report that all parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested, but a number of others claim that this is a myth. They contain calcium oxalate. Needle-like calcium oxalate crystals that could irritate different sensitive skin parts, mucosa, or conjunctiva.
Initial toxicological experiment conducted by the University of Bergen in 2015 on extracts from Z. zamiifolia using brine shrimp as a lethality assay did not indicate lethality to the shrimps even at concentrations of extracts up to 1 mg/mL providing disproving evidence for the assumption of Z. zamiifolia's toxic character. The scientists conducting the experiment found that "On the contrary, it could appear as though the extract contributed to improvements in the vitality of the larvae".
Size Small, Medium, Large
Light requirement low - high